Unrealistic Marriage Expectations Are a Marriage Killer
Unrealistic expectations cause disappointment and resentment. How can you be realistic in your expectations and hopeful in your marriage?
This fun marriage retreat, Making Room For Romance, presented by Eagle Family Ministries is about more than just romance. It also covers many foundation based principles needed to enjoy a happy marriage!
Each retreat begins on Friday 7:00pm, CST and goes through Sunday 12:00pm, CST
Unrealistic expectations cause disappointment and resentment. How can you be realistic in your expectations and hopeful in your marriage?
God has intended…that “man and woman” should become a glorifying union of the beauty of God himself. Simply, sex is better than you think it can be!
Find out How my dream job and Biblical submission in marriage allowed me to experience God’s peace, grace and goodness. There is no turning back, I’m all in.